Monday 21 March 2016

Kimono Twinning

Hi lovelies,
Hope you had a nice weekend
It's Monday again.

So about weekends,
Mine was great.

On Sunday,

I got to play dress-up to church

I had just gotten the last piece to my fashion statement the night before which was my ankle cage sandals.

Was going for a Kim Kardashian inspired look.

I took like a hundred
So today's post is to show us two ways to rock a kimono. 
My sister and I got the same kimono and styled it differently.
I wore mine with a dress while she wore hers' with trouser. Note the color match and shoe choices. 
Too much talk ain't needed.
As sisters, we slay 


  1. When your mom owns a boutique, you slay!! I want a kimono too. Do giveaway nah

  2. Yes o! @oluwatoceen. Thanks. Hmmm I shall strongly consider that.
